Painter Workspace
Customizing Brushes and Hotkeys
Importing Textures
Papers and Cloning Tool
Creating Narratives
Creating Mood and Drama
Form and Lighting
01: Setting up the Painter Workspace
02: Preferences
03: Image Navigation
04: Customizing Hot Keys
05: Painter's Brushes
06: Using Layers
07: Using Papers
08: Shapes
09: Effects
10: Starting a Painting
11: Monochromatic Sketching
12: Refining Design and Composition
13: Local Color Pass
14: Lighting and Atmosphere
15: Adding Texture and Details
16: Adding Drama, Depth and Mood
17: Finished Rendering
Ryan Church毕业于UCLA(美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校)和美国艺术中心设计学院(ART CENTER),是一位著名的CG概念设计师,也是业界概念设计顶级人物。
Ryan Church酷爱概念设计赋予他的“为所欲为”的权力。而且,概念设计能带给Ryan Church源源不断的新鲜感。获取是一种快乐,而分享更是一种幸福。当Ryan Church想出一些前所未有的新奇概念并得到大家的认同时,他感觉自己就像是历史的编纂者。而为概念设计史添上划时代的一笔的,就是他和他的构思。 下载地址:
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